Our play selection committee typically puts out a call for directors in January for the following season, accepting applications through February. We usually offer six shows per season, with performance dates in August, October, December, February, April and June (although dates do vary.)​
Prior experience directing at LCCT isn’t a requirement for selection, and the committee encourages submissions from new directors with great ideas and a well-developed plan.
Selecting a season is more an art than a science, but here are some important things we consider in making our show decisions:
Is the show well-known and likely to be popular both with actors and with audiences? As an organization that must remain financially viable, we are always looking for a great balance between popular audience pleasers that will sell plenty of tickets and lesser-known shows that expand our horizons with bold artistic choices.
If the show is not well-known, what makes it a good fit? Does it address some contemporary issue? Is it by an experienced playwright, perhaps not known to the general public, but whose work is well-crafted and interesting?
Is it a show we can reasonably cast and stage? Finding a dozen Asian actors and an onstage helicopter for Miss Saigon might be a stretch for our limited resources. On the other hand, if you want to do a show that at first glance looks too challenging, explain in your application exactly how you would solve those potential staging, casting or budget issues in your production. We are certainly open to considering creative solutions.
How will the show fit into our overall season? For example, we don’t want to do five dramas and no comedies in the same season. Part of our challenge in programming a season involves presenting a variety of theatre experiences.
Regarding the director, we consider a number of factors: Is this a first-time director for us? Is this a first-time director anywhere? Has this person directed at LCCT every recent season and do we want to give some other folks an opportunity? If the director has a track record with LCCT, what is that track record? Were his/her shows well-received and well-directed? Were they a positive experience for the cast and crew? Did they come in within budget? Admittedly, some of these factors are subjective, but sometimes subjective decisions need to be made.
Our call for directors for the 2025-26 season has closed. If you are interested in directing a production during the 2026-27 season, please check back here in January or join our mailing list to receive information about directing or auditioning for LCCT. Applications that list additional creative staff (e.g., musical directors, designers, stage managers, etc.) are most appreciated. Directors may submit more than one application if more than one show is of interest, but only one show per director will be selected.
A sample director’s application is available here.
Amanda Bradford
Chair, Play Selection Committee